CETRAD celebrated its 20 years of existence with an event that brought together its researchers, integrated members, collaborators, doctoral students, grantees, visitors and friends for a day, for a reflection on the past with a view to projecting the future. The event tooked place at november 23.

During this meeting, the main achievements and contributions of CENTRAD throughout its 20 years of existence were identified.

The session “Intelligent Development in Inland Territories: Who learns from whom?” with Paulo Fernandes, Mayor of Fundão, Patrícia Canelas, journalist, and Luís Ramos, researcher from CETRAD, is available at https://youtu.be/Zphe7o-8Pqo.

See the news published by Jornal a Voz de Trás-os-Montes at https://www.avozdetrasosmontes.pt/fundao-atraiu-mais-de-mil-engenheiros-nos-ultimos-anos/.

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