Vine & Wine Portugal – Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation – Climate changes: Modelling and projection of several Climatic events

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: PRR Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Ana Marta-Costa CETRAD Researchers in the team: Funding: 41 427 004,64€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: Starting Date: 01-11-2021 Duration: 50 months Description: The Vine & Wine digital platform is a core and aggregating project that forms part of the Vine & Wine Portugal Driving Sustainable Growth…

Vine & Wine Portugal – Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation – Assessing costs and benefits and impact of smart green innovations into the sustainable competitiveness of the portuguese wine industry and wine region

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: PRR Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Lívia Madureira CETRAD Researchers in the team: Carla Marques, Carlos P. Marques, Carmem Leal, Rui Silva, Tersea Sequeira, Zeeshan Fareed Funding: 41 427 004,64€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: 197 261,74 € Starting Date: 01-11-2021 Duration: 50 months Description: The Vine & Wine digital platform is a…

RN21 – Inovação na Fileira da Resina Natural para Reforço da Bioeconomia Nacional (Ongoing Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: PRR Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Ana Marta-Costa CETRAD Researchers in the team: Funding: 26 875 340,32 € CETRAD/UTAD Funding: 377 575,00 € Starting Date: 01-11-2021 Duration: 50 months Description:

Vine & Wine Portugal – Driving Sustainable Growth Through Smart Innovation – Decision-support systems (DSSs) for viticulture and winemaking practices (Digital Tools to Support business decision-making)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: PRR Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Alberto Baptista CETRAD Researchers in the team: Ana Marta-Costa, Lina Lourença-Gomes e Tânia Gonçalves Funding: 41 427 004,64€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: 98 628€ Starting Date: 01-11-2021 Duration: 50 months Description: The Vine & Wine digital platform is a core and aggregating project that forms part…

Estudos de Caracterização e Diagnóstico Estratégico e Prospetivo no âmbito do Programa Especial do Parque Arqueológico do Côa (PEPA-CÔA) (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: Fundo Ambiental – 02/GETER/2021 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Ricardo Jorge e Silva Bento CETRAD Researchers in the team: Alexandre Guedes, Lívia Madureira Funding: 129 600€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 15-12-2021 Duration: 12 months Description: Develop the Territorial Characterization Studies to support the elaboration of PEPA-CÔA, including the characterization…

Florestação de Terras Agrícolas com Mais Silvicultura, Inovação e Valor (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: Portugal 2020 – PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-031670 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Filipa Torres Manso CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: _______________ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: 46 246,81€ Starting Date: 01-07-2018 Duration: 42 months Description: The project aims to create, install and make accessible an Operational Model of Multifunctional Forest Management and its Measurement…

InovC+: Intelligent Innovation Ecosystem of the Central Region (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: Universidade de Coimbra Project Typology: CENTRO 2020 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Maria Elisabete Duarte Neves CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: _______________ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-07-2021 Duration: 24 months Description: INOVC+ is a Special Strategic Program for the valorisation of scientific and technological knowledge that consists in the implementation…

PromoTourVR: Promotion of tourist destinations with immersive multi-sensory media (Concluded Project)

PromoTourVR: Promotion of tourist destinations with immersive multi-sensory media (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Mário Sérgio Carvalho Teixeira CETRAD Researchers in the team: María Nieves Losada Sánchez Funding: 227 662,55€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: 143 923,90€ Starting Date: 26-07-2018 Duration: 44 months Description: The main objective of this project is to promote…

STRINGS – Selling The Rural IN (urban) Gourmet Stores – establishing new liaisons between town and country through the sale and consumption of rural products (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: Aveiro University Project Typology: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – PTDC/GES-OUT/29281/2017/POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029281 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Manuel Luís Tibério CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: _______________ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: 8 250€ Starting Date: 15-10-2018 Duration: 48 months Description: University of Aveiro, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning – University…

Acontece in Loco – Montanha do Alto Minho (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: ARDAL – Associação Regional de Desenvolvimento do Alto Lima Project Typology: COMPETE 2020 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Maria Isabel Barros Morais Costa CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: 130 624€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-01-2018 Duration: 38 months Description: To enhance the essential role and functions of local and regional development…

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