SmartAgriFor: Promoting Agri-food and Forestry Stakeholder Engagement for Knowledge Transfer and SmartAgriFor partnerships (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: NORTE 2020 NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000023 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Alberto Moreira Baptista CETRAD Researchers in the team: Anderson Galvão, Carla Mascarenhas Funding: 294 642,84€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-01-2015 Duration: 48 months Description: Within the context of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, it bringing together high performing and low…

SustenOlive – Grupo Operacional Olivicultura e Azeite – SustenOlive: Melhoria das práticas de rega e fertilização nas explorações olivícolas em Trás-os-Montes para a sustentabilidade do olival (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: Portugal 2020 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Ricardo Jorge e Silva Bento CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: 193 496,98€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-10-2017 Duration: 48 months Description: Improve irrigation practices for a more efficient water management, by adopting different deficit irrigation strategies (SDI; RDI; PRD) and…

TERR@ALVA: Definição e influência do terroir na qualidade do vinho Alvarinho (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: COMPETE 2020 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-024328 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Joana Lopes Teixeira Nogueira Santos CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: _______________ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 12-04-2017 Duration: 24 months Description: TERR@ALVA project considers natural resources/conditions, cultural material heritage and socioeconomic activities (viticultural zoning) may contributes to sustainable regional strategy…

TERR@ENO: Terroir e zonagem agro-ecológica como fator crítico de competitividade e inovação dos Vinhos Verdes (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: Universidade de Trás- os -Montes e Alto Douro Project Typology: NORTE 2020 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Alberto Baptista CETRAD Researchers in the team: Carla Mascarenhas, Joana Nogueira Funding: 120 076,54€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 12-04-2017 Duration: 24 months Description: The knowledge of the viticultural aptitude and the definition of terroir through…

U NORTE INOVA: Plataforma INorte (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: NORTE 2020 Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Alberto Moreira Baptista CETRAD Researchers in the team: Anderson Galvão, Carla Mascarenhas Funding: 374 200,05€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-06-2018 Duration: 6 months Description: U.Norte Inova was born with the aim of encompassing the Universities in the North of the country in…

(Auto)etnografias das práticas e dos saberes profissionais (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: Commissioned Studies Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Telmo Humberto Lapa Caria CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: _______________ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-10-2021 Duration: 14 months Descrition Autoethnography represents an excellent tool for gaining a deep understanding of oneself and others. However, the fear of presenting meaningless stories…

Estudio antropológico y documentación de las maniftestaciones culturales en torno a las luminarias y rituales de fuego en la provincia de Soria (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: Commissioned Studies Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Pedro Javier Cruz-Sánchez CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: 14 901,15€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-01-2021 Duration: 24 months

Familias caboverdianas en Galiza. Impacto para o desenvolvemento da transnacionalización dos coidados e das remesas (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: Commissioned Studies Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Luzia Oca González CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: 30 000€ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-20-2021 Duration: 14 months Description: The project “Cape Verdean families in Galicia. Impact for the development of the transnationalisation of care and remittances” project aims to…

GAMSTRA – Gamification Strategies for Management Skills (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: Commissioned Studies Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Rui Jorge Rodrigues da Silva CETRAD Researchers in the team: _______________ Funding: _______________ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-12-2020 Duration: 24 months Partners: IPP, UTAD, UMinho

Os viticultores e a produção vitícola da RDD: uma análise prospetiva (Concluded Project)

Project Coordinator: _______________ Project Typology: Commissioned Studies Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD: Alberto Moreira Baptista CETRAD Researchers in the team: Ana Alexandra Marta-Costa Funding: _______________ CETRAD/UTAD Funding: _______________ Starting Date: 01-01-2022 Duration: 12 months Description: It aims at an analysis focused on the viticultural production conditions, privileging the socio-economic, environmental and technological dynamics that may…

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