Project Coordinator:

Project Typology:


Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD:

João Fernandes Rebelo

CETRAD Researchers in the team:

Ana Alexandra Marta-Costa, Lina Sofia Lourenço-Gomes, Leonida Correia, Sofia Gouveia


1 666 683,38 €


120 000,00 €

Starting Date:



42 months


The wine sector in the southwest region is exposed to similar risks related to the volatility of production and interannual trade. VINCI proposes, by compiling and processing information (Big Data), to develop digital forecasting tools that provide an early view of supply and demand, so that SMEs in the sector can manage their prices and stocks more effectively.

See more information at: Interreg V Sudoe – Programa Interreg Sudoe – Vinho, Inovação e Competitividade Internacional (


  • 1. Université de Bordeaux (FR)
  • 2. Fruitions Sciences (FR)
  • 3. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique Toulouse School of Economics (FR)
  • 4. Bordeaux Aquitaine Inno’vin (FR)
  • 5. Universidad de Zaragoza (ES)
  • 6. Remot Technologies (ES)
  • 7. Aragón Exterior (ES)
  • 8. Universidad de Castilla y la Mancha (ES)
  • 9. Universidade de Trás-os-montes e Alto Douro. Centro de Investigação e de Tecnologias Agroambientais e Biológicas (PT)
  • 10. Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense (PT)
  • 11. Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e do Porto (PT)