Project Coordinator:

Project Typology:


Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD:

Veronique Joukes

CETRAD Researchers in the team:


286 265,00 €


49 584,00 €

Starting Date:



36 months


Safeguarding Intangible culturaL Values and HERitage – S.I.L.V.HER. project, finds its roots in the need to design a new training path that embraces and positively exploits all that comes from digital transformation, a phenomenon that is also strongly encouraged at national level and which increasingly provides for the introduction of ICT tools in all areas. Even the cultural sector and, more specifically, the safeguarding and promotion of cultural heritage, are not exempt from this advent.
The S.I.L.V.HER. project, proposes to develop a training course related to Cultural Heritage, but which also includes the digital tool, not only as a means of learning, but also and above all as a future means of developing a strategic sector and which will also support a process of recognition of its European identity. Precisely for this reason the need arises to implement this project on a transnational level.
The blended, or mixed, course will be divided into two types of activities: online training and transnational mobility as face-to-face training sessions.
This course will be divided into three modules:

  • Management of cultural projects;
  • Digital storytelling of intangible cultural heritage;
  • Augmented and virtual reality in the cultural sector.

See more information at:


The University of Bari Aldo Moro, EGInA Srl, Hellenic Open University, Pamukkale University