Project Coordinator:


Project Typology:

NORTE 2020 NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000011

Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD:

Alberto Moreira Baptista

CETRAD Researchers in the team:

Carla Mascarenhas, Anderson Galvão


304 343,81€



Starting Date:



36 months


The Lab2Business project promotes the transfer and economic valorisation of scientific and technological knowledge for the agro-food sector, based on the specialised skills of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and the Portuguese Catholic University in Porto – School of Biotechnology, involving research centres and advanced centres and units of advanced studies.
This project aims to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and technology to the agri-food business sector, thus promoting the creation of value and synergies with SCT entities. The Agri-Food Sector constitutes a relevant area of the European and national economy, having undergone a considerable evolution in recent years, adapting products to consumer tastes while trying to process them in a healthier way and presenting innovative characteristics in order to make them more competitive.

See more information at:


Universidade Católica Portuguesa