Project Coordinator:

Project Typology:

Interreg POCTEC

Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD:

Carla Marques

CETRAD researchers in the team:

Anderson Galvão, Carmen Leal, Rui Silva


119 444,00 €


14 449,17 €

Starting Date:



12 months


ET3_PARTICIPATIVA aims to capitalize on the successful experience of the “0087_Espacio_T3_2_E” project, which promoted a cross-border space for collaboration between universities and companies, incorporating processes of social participation that allow a better connection with the real needs of the people living in the area of action. In this way, the collaboration network created in the previous project will be linked to the social substratum of the area, making it more dynamic and consolidating it as the seed of a science-business-society ecosystem and also improving its governance system.
In this way, the methodologies and experiences acquired in the previous project will be transferred to the daily reality of the population of La Raya, mostly rural, dispersed and aged, through participatory and co-governance processes that will allow the identification of social challenges and the development of innovative solutions through co-creation mechanisms. These participatory processes will revolve around the fields identified in the previous project, especially those related to the green and digital transition.


Fundación Universidades y Enseñanzas Superiores de Castilla y León (FUESCYL) – COORDINADOREspaña
Associaçao Universidade-Empresa para o Desenvolvimento TECMINHO (Universidade do Minho)Portugal
Universidade Tras-os-Montes Alto Douro (UTAD)Portugal
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB)Portugal
Federación de Asociaciones de Empresas de Tecnologías de la Información, Comunicaciones y Electrónica de Castilla y León (AETICAL)España