Project Coordinator:

Project Typology:


Responsible Researcher at the CETRAD:

Alberto Moreira Baptista 

CETRAD Researchers in the team:

Carlos Jorge Fonseca da Costa, Ana Paula Rodrigues, Carlos Rui Taveira Madeira, Manuel Luís Tibério


1 294 648,00 €


157 500,00 €

Starting Date:



30 months


The project seeks to improve the competitiveness of agro-food cooperatives to favour economic development and cohesion in the rural areas of Southwest Europe, thus overcoming their disadvantaged situation. To achieve this objective, AGROSMARTcoop will create an intelligent space of interaction and promotion between Spanish, French and Portuguese cooperatives, equipped with advanced tools and services that meet the specific needs of these bodies. The cooperation will facilitate the implementation of new durable innovation and marketing techniques and will introduce the concept of smart marketing, which harnesses the potential of cooperatives by aligning it with innovation, science and technology.

See more information at:


Unión de Cooperativas Asociación Galega de Cooperativas Agrarias (ES)
Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Extremadura ES
Cooparativas Agro-Alimentarias de Castilla-La Mancha, Unión de Cooperativas ES
Federación de Cooperativas Agro-Alimentarias de Euskadi ES
Association des régions européennes des produits d’origine FR
Coop de France Aquitaine FR
Universidade de Trás-os-montes e Alto Douro PT
UniNorte – União Cooperativa Polivalente da Região Norte, PT
La Coopération Agricole Nouvelle Aquitaine FR