Assistant professor at the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies in Lisbon, consultant at Adecco Portugal and digital adviser at Amrop Portugal. She graduated in Computer Science alongside her professional development at the Luis Simões Group, which led her to pursue studies in the area of logistics and process optimisation, with a master’s degree in Operational Research. Following the development of her master’s dissertation, she joined the National Institute of Biological Resources (now IPMA) and went on to do a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management, with the analysis and optimisation of fishing fleets. He interrupted his Post-Doc Research Scholarship (dedicated to the Development of Sustainable Management Models for Artisanal Fisheries) to teach at the University. He considers himself to be a multidisciplinary, versatile, self-taught, “out of the box” person with an enormous passion for teaching.

Main Publications: 

M.B. Leston e M.M. Oliveira. Portuguese Military Cyber Human Resources Management. Em: submitted at Security Studies – Taylor and Francis Group (2023).

M.M. Oliveira, C. Rouco e P. Gonçalves. Critical Factors on Lean Implementation to the Portuguese Aeronautic Industry. Em: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Springer, 2023.

Ramos, R. Varandas, I. L. Conceição, A. Grade, M. M. Oliveira, G. Alexandre-Pires e F. Rosa. Diclidophora luscae (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae) in pouting, Trisopterus luscus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the northeast Atlantic; epidemiology, morphology, molecular and phylogenetic analysis. Em: Parasitology Research (2022).

Mafalda Rangel, Cristina Pita, Manuela Maria de Oliveira, Maria Helena Guimarães, Rita Rainha, Carlos Sonderblohm, Pedro Monteiro, Frederico Oliveira, Marta Ballesteros, Jorge M.S. Gonçalves, Graham J. Pierce e Karim Erzini. Do fisher associations really represent their members’ needs and opinions? The case study of the octopus fishery in the Algarve (south Portugal). Em: Marine Policy 101 (2019).

Main Projects:

  • PESCARDATA desde 2020

«O projeto PESCARDATA, financiado pela Direção Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (DGRM) e promovido pelo Centro de Ciências do Mar da Universidade do Algarve (CCMAR), visa colmatar as lacunas existentes no que se refere à recolha sistemática de dados das capturas recreativas das espécies que fazem parte do Programa de Recolha Oficial de Dados da União Europeia, assim como caracterizar os diferentes aspetos da pesca recreativa de mar que ocorre em Portugal Continental.»

  • PNAB desde 2022

«O objectivo final do PNAB é a produção de conhecimento e a sua utilização nas análises científicas que servem de base ao aconselhamento à gestão para a exploração sustentável de todas as espécies comerciais.»