Catarina Gomes completed her PhD in Human Resources Management and Development in 2014 from ISCTE Business School, the Master’s in Psychology in 2009 from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Psychology and a Degree in Psychology in 2008 from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Psychology. She is Associate Professor at Universidade Lusófona. She has published 9 articles in specialized journals. In her professional activities, she interacted with 30 collaborators in co-authoring scientific works. The most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Soft skills; Expectations of career results; Career management; Extrinsic Expectations; Intrinsic Expectations; Career outcomes expectations; Career management; Extrinsic Expectations; Intrinsic Expectations; Organizational change; Resistance to change; Job requirements; Organizational Change; Resistance to Change; Work Demands; Self-Leadership; Focus regulation; Creativity; Self-Leadership; Regulatory Focus; Creativity; Self leadership; Extreme response style; Acquiescent effect of response; Self-leadership; Extreme response style; Acquiescence response style; Human resources psychology; Emotional work; Coping; Professional well-being; Master’s theses; Work engagement; Individual innovation; Team; Self-leadership; Individual innovation; Time; International mobility; Expatriation; Identity; Acculturation; International mobility; Expatriation; Identity; Acculturation

Main Projects:

Os estágios curriculares como processo de desenvolvimento de competências de empregabilidade em gestão de recursos humanos. Investigador Principal: Catarina Gomes (Universidade Lusófona). Membros da Equipa de Investigação: Nazaré Marques (Universidade Lusófona); Pedro Marques-Quinteiro (Universidade Lusófona). Projeto não financiado.