Carla Mascarenhas, researcher at the Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD) has a PhD in Management, since 2020. Her Scopus Id shows that she has 12 original papers, 2 reviews and 2 conferences papers, and a h-index of 7. Currently, her main areas of interest include innovation, university-industry cooperation, technology/ knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship and regional development.

Main Publications:

The influence of research and innovation strategies for smart specialization (Ris3) on university-industry collaboration
Mascarenhas, C., Marques, C.S., Ferreira, J.J., Galvão, A.R.
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2021, 7(1), 82

Cooperation networks and embeddedness—the case of the portuguese footwear sector
Rocha, R., Galvão, A.R., Braga, V., Marques, C.S., Mascarenhas, C.
Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020, 12(22), pp. 1–22, 9612

Mentoring entrepreneurship in a rural territory – A qualitative exploration of an entrepreneurship program for rural areas
Galvão, A.R., Mascarenhas, C., Marques, C.S.E., Braga, V., Ferreira, M.
Journal of Rural Studies, 2020, 78, pp. 314–324

One for All and All for One: Collaboration and Cooperation in Triple Helix Knowledge Cocreation
Mascarenhas, C., Marques, C., Ferreira, J.J.
International Regional Science Review, 2020, 43(4), pp. 316–343

Exploring CSR’s influence on employees’ attitudes and behaviours in higher education
Mascarenhas, C., Mendes, L., Marques, C., Galvão, A.
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 2020, 11(4), pp. 653–678

Main Projects:

01/10/2015 a 31/12/2018: “ESPACIO T3: TRANSFERENCIA TECNOLÓGICA TRANSFRONTERIZA/TRANSFERENCIA TECNOLÓGICA TRANSFRONTEIRIÇA”, ref. 0087_ESPACIO_T3_2_E. Entidade Financiadora: POCTEP Interrg. Orçamento: 72.422,15€; ·

01/10/2016 a 31/12/2018: “SABORSUR: Laboratorio para la innovación empresarial en mercados transfronterizos de alimentación y hostelería”, ref. 0254_SABOR_SUR_6_E. Entidade Financiadora: POCTEP Interrg. Orçamento: 124.815,00€;

01/05/2017 a 30/04/2019: “ECO@UTAD: Add Value by Ecovalorization”, ref. NORTE-02-0853-FEDER-000108. Entidade Financiadora: Portugal2020. Orçamento: 424.582,88€;

01/06/2016 a 31/05/2018: “U. Norte INOVA”, ref. NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000005. Entidade Financiadora: Portugal2020. Orçamento: 374.200,05€;

01/06/2016 a 30/11/2017: “SMARTAGRIFOR”, ref. NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000023. Entidade Financiadora: Portugal2020. Orçamento: 272.190,10€;

01/04/2016 a 31/03/2018: “Lab2business”, ref. NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000011. Entidade Financiadora: Portugal2020. Orçamento: 304.343,81€;