Carla Gomes da Costa has been the Dean of the FCST at the European University (EU) since September 2022. With a PhD in Human Resources Management and Development, a Master’s in Social and Organisational Psychology and a degree in Sociology and a degree in Psychology, she has been a university teacher for over 25 years and has been at the EU since 2021. For the last 6 years she has combined teaching with academic management positions. She also has professional experience in business consultancy in the field of organisational behaviour and health promotion. Her research interests are management in general, and in particular the areas of research into leadership, sustainability, coaching and the promotion of corporate health and well-being. Her main objectives for the coming years are to develop ongoing research projects leading to publications.

Main Publications:
1. da Costa, C. G. & Lopes, A. (2023).(Coord.). Desafios à Gestão de Pessoas – Tempo de Reorganizar. Editora D’Ideias. ISBN: 9789895398638
2. Lucas, A., Dias, I. & Costa, C. G. (2023). Between Pay and Performance: A Perspective on Wage Inequality in the Accounting Profession. In Vieira, E. S., Madaleno, M. & Teodósio, J. (Eds.) Perspectives on Women in Management and the Global Labor Market. (chapter 8). DOI:10.4018/978-1-6684-5981-2
3. Ferreira, A. I., Pérez-Nebra, A. R., Ellen Costa, E., Aguiar, M. L. A., Zambonato, A., Costa, C. G., Modesto, J. G. & Ferreira, P. D. C. (2021). Presenteeism and Productivity: The Role of Biomarkers and Hormones. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 5014.
4. da Costa, C. G., Zhou, Q., & Ferreira, A. I. (2020). State and trait anger predicting creative process engagement—The role of emotion regulation. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(1), 5-19. doi: 10.1002/jocb.236
5. da Costa, C. G., Zhou, Q., & Ferreira, A. I. (2018). The impact of anger on creative process engagement: The role of social contexts. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(4), 495-506. doi: 10.1002/job.2249

Main Projects:

1. Lopes, A.; Araújo, P.; Costa, C. G.; Nascimento, Lígia. “Herdade do Freixo do Meio: A Case Study of Mediterranean agroforestry in Portugal analyzed from place to people perspective”. In Intelligent Designs, Innovations and Sustainability in Agriculture 4.0. (Cap.5), editado por V. Estrela; A. Deshpande; A. Khan. SRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (Scopus Indexed) (This book is being printed.)
This work was the result of a working group discussion around a case study.
2. Ribeiro, M., da Costa, C. G. & Ramos, F. R. (2024). Exploring Purpose-Driven Leadership: Theoretical Foundations, Mechanisms, and Impacts in Organizational Context. (submitted to Human Resource Management Review, on 11st January 2024, Manuscript Number: HUMRES-D-24-00018) 3. Camilo, R. A. & da Costa, C. G. (2024). The Abusive Leader and the Organisational Commitment: the moderation effect of Adhesion Silence, Self-Esteem, and Co-Worker Support. (to be submitted in February).
In the context of a PHD supervision (2) and a master supervision (3) and now a Phd co-supervision, we have been working in a leadership research, that will lead to some scientific papers.
4. da Costa, C.G., Fontes A. (2021) Coaching for All—New Approaches for Future Challenges. In: Machado C., Davim J.P. (eds) Coaching for Managers and Engineers. Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham. da Costa, C.G., Fontes A. (2021) From Theory to Practice—in Search of Theoretical Approaches Leading to Informed Coaching Practices. In: Machado C., Davim J.P. (eds) Coaching for Managers and Engineers. Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham.
This is just an example of a partnership that has resulted from a common research interest. We have been working to produce some more research in this area.
5. Mind Body Boost – Mental Health and Health Competences among university students. This project was a result from a European collaboration of European universities. Started in Trinity College Dublin and NUI Galway.
It has been expanded to 6 European countries, one of them Portugal through Universidade Europeia. MBB is a practical intervention program, comprised by
6-week intervention aimed at third level students.