Ana Ramires is an Assistant Professor at IPAM, Porto, lecturer in Quantitative Methods and the coordinator of the Business Management Degree at the Online Faculty, Universidade Europeia. She holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics and a master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering. Her research interests primarily involve the application of quantitative methods in the field of social sciences, with a particular focus on Tourism and Hospitality.

Main Publications: 

Carvalho, I., Ramires, A., Iglesias, M., Fidalgo, A. (2023). Not All Language Tourists Take Language Courses: Determinants of Formal and Informal Language Tourism. The Journal of Vacation Marketing.

Carvalho, I., Ramires, A., Iglesias, M. (2023). Attitudes towards machine translation and languages among travelers. Information Technology & Tourism 25, 175–204.

Carvalho, I., Ramires, A., Bakas, F. (2022). Who are the language tourists? A factor-cluster analysis based on language-related attitudes, beliefs, and travel outcomes. International Journal of Tourism Research, 1– 19.

Carvalho, I., Ramires, A., & Gama, J. (2022). “Seeing a country with your own eyes”: The Impact of Immersion Experiences in Language Travel. European Journal of Tourism Research, 32.

Ramires, A., Brandão, F., & Sousa, A. C. (2018). Motivation-based cluster analysis of international tourists visiting a World Heritage City: The case of Porto, Portugal. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 8, 49-60.

Main Projects:

Member of the research team:

To be or not to be inclusive? The sustainable and accessible tourism marketing. (2023-2024) Universidade Europeia. Internal R&D Funding by Universidade Europeia.

The use of automatic translation tools in the tourism sector. (2023-2024) Universidade Europeia. Internal R&D Funding by Universidade Europeia.

PRESS – Promoting european SMEs sustainability throughout funding: an analysis on the determinants of liquidity and cost of debt. (2023-2024) Universidade Europeia. Internal R&D Funding by Universidade Europeia.