Alexandre Sousa Guedes is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Sociology, and Management. He holds a bachelor´s degree in Tourism Management and Planning at the University of Aveiro, a Master´s degree In Tourism and Cultural Heritage at the University of Minho, and a Ph.D. in New Resources and Sustainability in Tourism, at the University of Salamanca. He has over 15 years of experience in destination management and marketing organizations. He has authored several articles in relevant peer-reviewed international journals (Current Issues in Tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, and Tourism Economics). He is presently director of the bachelor´s degree course in Tourism and coordinator of the Tourism and Sustainability Research Group at CETRAD. His research interest has mainly involved the study of cultural tourism, wine tourism, and river tourism, adopting mixed methods approaches for his research (e.g., semantic analysis, spatial econometrics, network analysis).

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2019-3535

Main Publications: 

Niklas, B., Guedes, A., Back, R., Rebelo, J. & Laurie, F. (2022). How resilient are wine tourism destinations to health-related security threats? A winery perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 24.

Guedes A., Niklas B., Back R., Rebelo J. (2022). Implications of an exogenous shock (COVID-19) on wine tourism business: A Portuguese winery perspective. Tourism and Hospitality Research.

Marques C., Guedes A., Bento R. (2022). Tracking changes in tourism demand vitu point-of-sale data: The case of Portugal. Tourism and Hospitality Research.

Marques, Carlos Peixeira; Guedes, Alexandre; Bento, Ricardo. (2021). Rural tourism recovery between two COVID-19 waves: the case of Portugal. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-7.

Guedes, Alexandre; Rebelo, João. (2021). River cruise holiday packages: A network analysis combined with a geographic information system framework”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 37, 100779.

Guedes, A. & Rebelo, J. (2020). Winescape´s Aesthetic Impact on Lodging Room Prices: A Spatial Analysis of the Douro Region. Tourism Planning & Development, 17(2), 187-206.

Main Projects:

Rumo Estratégico para o Sector dos Vinhos do Porto e Douro (2017-2018). DASF569300461/2017-IVDP.

Innovine & Wine – Innovation Platform of Vine & Wine. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (2016-2019). Research Line: Competitiveness. Co-responsabilidades na redação do projeto da linha de investigação centrada na Competitividade (componente de turismo). NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-00038

Estudos de Caracterização e Diagnóstico Estratégico e Prospetivo no âmbito do Programa Especial do Parque Arqueológico do Côa (PEPA-CÔA). 15-12-2021 a 31-12-2022. Referência do Projeto: 02/GETER/2021. Financiado pela Fundação Côa Parque, através do Fundo Ambiental. Financiamento total: 129.600,00€.

Entidade coordenadora do projeto: UTAD. Investigadores CETRAD: Ricardo Bento (Coord.), Lívia Madureira, Alexandre Guedes. URL: