17th International Conference on “The Major Issues of the European Space”.
From 25 to 28 May
Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto (FLUP)


1- Society and Culture
2- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
3 – Education and Teaching
4- Landscape, Heritage and Tourism
5- Rural: tradition, resilience and innovation
6- Local Economy and Development
7- Environment and Sustainable Development
8 – Vulnerabilities, Risks and Spatial Planning
9 – Geographical Information Technologies (GIT)
10 – Social and Ecological Dimensions of Rural Fires
11 – Cities and Sustainability

In a globalised world, awakening from a pandemic crisis and immersed in a war conflict with global projection, despite the threats and destruction to which our planet has been subjected, a multiplicity of ecosystems persists, albeit with a loss of biodiversity. Nevertheless, the most common is the combination of dynamic and multifunctional territories, together with others in decline, where development and sustainability are put at stake. In this context, in which climate change and human intervention are indelibly reflected, without forgetting the present war in Europe, awareness of these problems is growing and the need to intervene at different scales is emerging. Thus, strategies are emerging that bet on an inclusive development based not only on the preservation of landscapes and heritage, but also on the revitalization of social frameworks. Against this backdrop, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, established by the UN and set out in the “2030 Agenda”, are an obligatory reference, challenges that are increasingly imperative in the present context, which is still pandemic and warlike in the European area, with unquestionable reinforcement of inequalities.

The aim is thus to eradicate poverty, while promoting equitable access to energy, education and quality health services. It also favours the creation of decent jobs and energy efficiency, as well as the conservation and management of endogenous resources. The intention is also to promote effective institutions and stable societies, where justice, peace and health, together with gender equality, are unequivocal and inclusive. To this end, policy convergence is required, where environmental and social strategies gain ascendancy over strictly economic ones, which must be inserted in a context where innovation and ethics, sustained by digital means, increased literacy and technical training, are indelible. In this way, we will move towards greater territorial cohesion as the most effective way to overcome the systemic and multifaceted crisis that has taken place.

It is therefore necessary to continue to reflect on these issues, without ignoring their complexity and territorial diversity, correlating the European area with others, highlighting the symbiosis with the Brazilian area, within the scope of which catalyst projects follow one another. Therefore, this collaborative link is deepened through the XVII International Conferences on European Space’s Major Issues. The main objective, already evident in previous editions of this event, also persists: the approach to current problems, in a scientific, creative, operative, multidisciplinary and inter-university context, highlighting the search for strategies to mitigate these problems within a framework of sustainability and resilience.

Programa provisório

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