CETRAD invites,
In a joint initiative between UTAD’s Centre for Transdisciplinary Studies for Development (CETRAD) and the Citizens’ Forum for the Eradication of Poverty in Vila Real, the seminar “Poverty and Territory, evoking the 50th anniversary of 25 April and reflecting on the future” will be held on 29 May in Auditorium B. 02 at UTAD’s Laboratory Complex.
After the opening ceremony at 10am, there will be a Tertulia on Vila Real and the district in the pre-1974 period – ‘Tell us what it was like in Labour, Social Security, Education, Housing, Health, Local Government, the Rural World, the Media, in the Opposition to the regime’, moderated by Vítor Nogueira and Artur Cristóvão, with a panel of citizens.
In the afternoon, after 2.30pm, there will be a panel on ‘Transformations in the post-25 April period and current trends in the fight against poverty’, moderated by Hermínia Gonçalves and Octávio Sacramento, with the intervention of experts in the field: Elvira Pereira, Professor and Researcher at ISCSP, Lisbon; Sandra Araújo, National Coordinator of the Strategy to Combat Poverty; and José Manuel Henriques, Professor and Researcher, ISCTE-IUL.

Free entrance.