Main Publications:

Caria, Telmo H.; Sousa, Paula e Almeida, José Luís,2020. “A consciência identitária sobre os meios e os fins institucionais do Serviço Social: um estudo empírico por questionário no norte de Portugal” Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 33(2): 297-312.

Caria, Telmo H, 2017. Saber profissional em Serviço Social: uma perspectiva etnográfico-situacional. Viseu: Psisoma.

Caria, Telmo H, 2017. “A constiuição do saber profissional: uma contribuição interdisciplinar sobre a dualidade do uso social do conhecimento”, Análise Social, nº224, pp.498-532.

Caria, Telmo H, José Luís Almeida e Paula Sousa, 2017. “Identidade profissional institucional: atualidade da pesquisa em Serviço Social, Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 85: 145-165.

Caria, Telmo H. e Pereira, Fernando 2016. “ Social work as a bureaucratic professional labour: an empirical analysis in non-profit organizations in northern Portugal”, European Journal of Social Work, 19(1), 120-139.

Main Projects:

(Auto)ethnographies of professional practices and knowledge. Team member. Project in partnership with CLISSIS (Centro Lusíada de Investigação em Serviço Social e Intervenção Social). Ongoing, to start in October 2021 (without funding).

Convergences and divergences between life trajectories and intervention trajectories in the Specialized Programs in Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Girls, Boys and Adolescents. Team member. Project in partnership (protocol signed with CETRAD in 2018) with the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Concepción, Chile) and funded by the Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Chile). Duration January 2019 to December 2021.

Social and professional identities in professional groups. Internal CETRAD project in collaboration with the direction of the Social Work degree course. Duration June 2015 to July 2021 (self-funded).

Professional knowledge in Social Work: an ethnographic-situational perspective. Internal project at CETRAD (responsible researcher). Duration from January 2014 to December 2017. Funded by FCT with resources from previous project.